达岗饭Nasi Dagang

  • Prep Time
  • Cook Time
    1 Hour 10 Mins
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    Nasi Dagang是马来西亚半岛的东海岸的食物,主要在登嘉楼与吉兰丹盛行。由普通食用米与糯米混和在一起後用椰浆煮出,通常与金枪鱼咖喱,部分也与腌菜等特别佐料一起吃。

    Step 1

    将米隔夜浸泡。沥干后再放入清水盖过。用手清洗数次至水干净为止。将米倒入大碗内。Soak rice with water overnight. On the next day, drain and cover with water again. Rub gently with fingers. Drain and repeat several times till water is clear. Place rice in a large mixing bowl.

    Step 2

    在蒸笼铺上棉布,放上班兰叶(留几片),铺入米,放入蒸笼以大火蒸30分钟。Line steaming basket with muslin cloth. Place pandan leaves on top of the cloth to cover it as much as possible. Reserve some leaves for later use. Spoon the drained rice evenly over the leaves. Bring steaming water to a rapid boil. Cover rice and steam over high heat for 30 minutes.

    Step 3

    碗内将椰浆加入盐拌匀,加入米饭轻轻搅拌至完全吸收椰浆。加入胡芦巴、嫩姜和小葱头。Combine salt and coconut milk in the mixing bowl. Add hot rice and stir gently till all the coconut milk has been absorbed. Stir in halba, ginger and shallots.

    Step 4

    将饭铺在换了新鲜的班兰叶上, 盖上蒸30-40分钟至饭软及熟,取出。Replace pandan leaves with fresh ones. Spread the rice over the leaves. Cover and steam for 30-40 minutes until rice is tender and cooked. Remove from steamer.

    Step 5

    配搭咖哩鱼一起享用。Serve with fish curry.
